Source code for h5preserve

# coding: utf-8
h5preserve is a thin wrapper around h5py, providing easier serialisation of
native python types.

:copyright: (c) 2016 James Tocknell
:license: 3-clause BSD
from collections import (
    MutableMapping, namedtuple, defaultdict, MutableSequence,
from warnings import warn

import six

from numpy import ndarray
import h5py

# versioneer stuff
from ._version import get_versions
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions

    "attrs", "shape", "dtype", "data", "chunks", "maxshape", "fillvalue",



H5PRESERVE_ATTR_NAMESPACE = "_h5preserve_namespace"
H5PRESERVE_ATTR_LABEL = "_h5preserve_label"
H5PRESERVE_ATTR_VERSION = "_h5preserve_version"

UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE = "Unknown namespace {}."
UNSUPPORTED_H5PY_TYPE = "Unsupported h5py type {}."
UNKNOWN_H5PRESERVE_TYPE = "Unknown h5preserve type {}."
NOT_DUMPABLE = "{} is not something that can be dumped."
NO_VERSION = "{} does not have version {}."
INVALID_DUMPER = "Dumper for {} with version {} returned incorrect type."
NOT_LOADABLE = "{} is not something that can be loaded."
LABEL_NOT_IN_NAMESPACE = "Label {} not in namespace {}."
NO_SUITABLE_LOADER = "Cannot find suitable loader for label {} with version {}"
INVALID_DATASET_OPTION = "{} is not a valid dataset option."
NO_PATH = "No path defined for hard link."
ATTR_NOT_DUMPED = "Attribute {}={} has not been dumped."

_DumperMap = namedtuple("_DumperMap", "label func")

[docs]class RegistryContainer(MutableSequence): """ Ordered container of registries which manages interaction with the hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- *registries : list of Registry the list of registries to be associated with this container """ def __init__(self, *registries): self._version_lock = {} self._registries = {} self._indexed_registries = [] if registries: self.extend(registries) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._indexed_registries[index] def __setitem__(self, index, item): self._indexed_registries[index] = self._registries[] = item def __delitem__(self, index): name = self._indexed_registries[index] del self._registries[name] del self._indexed_registries[index] def __len__(self): return len(self._registries) def insert(self, index, item): self._registries[] = item self._indexed_registries.insert(index,
[docs] def from_file(self, h5py_obj): """ Return an representation of a hdf5 object from a hdf5 file Parameters ---------- h5py_obj : a ``h5py`` object, e.g. group, dataset """ namespace = h5py_obj.attrs.get(H5PRESERVE_ATTR_NAMESPACE) if namespace is None: if isinstance(h5py_obj, h5py.Group): return H5PreserveGroup(h5py_group=h5py_obj, registries=self) warn( "No type information about object, returning native h5py" "object" ) return h5py_obj elif namespace in self._registries: return self._h5py_to_h5preserve(h5py_obj) raise RuntimeError(UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE.format(namespace))
def _h5py_to_h5preserve(self, h5py_obj): """ convert h5py object to h5preserve representation """ attrs = dict(h5py_obj.attrs) if isinstance(h5py_obj, h5py.Group): return GroupContainer( attrs, **{ name: self._h5py_to_h5preserve(item) for name, item in h5py_obj.items() } ) elif isinstance(h5py_obj, h5py.Dataset): return DatasetContainer( attrs, data=h5py_obj[()], shape=h5py_obj.shape, fillvalue=h5py_obj.fillvalue, dtype=h5py_obj.dtype, size=h5py_obj.size, ) raise TypeError(UNSUPPORTED_H5PY_TYPE.format(type(h5py_obj)))
[docs] def to_file(self, h5py_group, key, val): """ Dump h5preserve object to hdf5 file Parameters ---------- h5py_group : ``h5py.Group`` the group to add the object to key : string the name for the object val the object to add """ if isinstance(val, ContainerBase): self._write_containers_to_file(h5py_group, key, val) elif isinstance(val, HardLink): if val.h5py_obj is None: # pylint: disable=protected-access val._set_file(h5py_group.file) h5py_group[key] = val.h5py_obj elif isinstance(val, h5py.SoftLink): h5py_group[key] = val elif isinstance(val, h5py.ExternalLink): h5py_group[key] = val elif isinstance(val, ndarray): h5py_group[key] = val else: raise TypeError( UNKNOWN_H5PRESERVE_TYPE.format(type(val)) )
def _write_containers_to_file(self, h5py_group, key, val): """ Write instances of ContainerBase to an hdf5 file """ for item_name, item in val.attrs.items(): if not isinstance(item, tuple(H5PY_ATTR_WRITABLE_TYPES)): raise TypeError(ATTR_NOT_DUMPED.format(item_name, item)) if isinstance(val, GroupContainer): new_obj = h5py_group.create_group(key) new_obj.attrs.update(val.attrs) for obj_name, obj_val in val.items(): self.to_file(new_obj, obj_name, obj_val) elif isinstance(val, DatasetContainer): new_obj = h5py_group.create_dataset( key, **val ) new_obj.attrs.update(val.attrs) # pylint: disable=protected-access new_obj.attrs[H5PRESERVE_ATTR_LABEL] = val._label if val._namespace is not None: new_obj.attrs[H5PRESERVE_ATTR_NAMESPACE] = val._namespace if val._version is not None: new_obj.attrs[H5PRESERVE_ATTR_VERSION] = val._version # pylint: enable=protected-access
[docs] def dump(self, obj): """ Dump native python object to h5preserve representation Parameters ---------- obj the object to dump """ # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if isinstance(obj, HardLink): return obj elif type(obj) in EXTERNAL_DUMPED_TYPES: return obj # pylint: enable=unidiomatic-typecheck converted_obj = self._obj_to_h5preserve(obj) if isinstance(converted_obj, tuple(RECURSIVE_DUMPING_TYPES)): for key, val in converted_obj.items(): converted_obj[key] = self.dump(val) return converted_obj
def _obj_to_h5preserve(self, obj): """convert python object to h5preserve representation""" val_type = type(obj) for registry in self: # pylint: disable=protected-access if val_type in self._registries[registry].dumpers: namespace = registry dumpers = self._registries[registry].dumpers[val_type] break else: raise TypeError(NOT_DUMPABLE.format(val_type)) # pylint: disable=protected-access if val_type in self._version_lock: version = self._version_lock[val_type] # pylint: enable=protected-access try: label, dumper = dumpers[version] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(NO_VERSION.format(val_type, version)) else: if None in dumpers: version = None else: version = sorted(dumpers, reverse=True)[0] label, dumper = dumpers[version] obj = dumper(obj) if isinstance(obj, ContainerBase): # pylint: disable=protected-access obj._namespace = namespace obj._label = label obj._version = version # pylint: enable=protected-access return obj raise TypeError(INVALID_DUMPER.format(label, version))
[docs] def load(self, obj): """ Load native python object from h5preserve representation Parameters ---------- obj the object to dump """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if not isinstance(obj, ContainerBase): raise TypeError(NOT_LOADABLE.format(type(obj))) elif obj._namespace is None: return obj elif obj._namespace not in self: raise RuntimeError(UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE.format(obj._namespace)) # pylint: enable=protected-access if isinstance(obj, GroupContainer): new_obj = GroupContainer( attrs=obj.attrs, **{key: self.load(item) for key, item in obj.items()} ) # pylint: disable=protected-access new_obj._namespace = obj._namespace new_obj._label = obj._label new_obj._version = obj._version # pylint: enable=protected-access obj = new_obj return self._get_loader(obj)(obj)
def _get_loader(self, obj): """ get the loader for obj """ # pylint: disable=protected-access loaders = self._registries[obj._namespace].loaders if obj._label not in loaders: raise RuntimeError( LABEL_NOT_IN_NAMESPACE.format(obj._label, obj._namespace) ) loaders = loaders[obj._label] if obj._version is None and None in loaders: return loaders[None] elif all in loaders: return loaders[all] elif obj._version in loaders: return loaders[obj._version] try: return loaders[any] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( NO_SUITABLE_LOADER.format(obj._label, obj._version) )
[docs] def lock_version(self, cls, version): """ Lock output version for a specific class Parameters ---------- cls : any class the class to lock the version of version : integer, any, all, None the version which will always be used """ self._version_lock[cls] = version
class ContainerBase(MutableMapping): # pylint: disable=abstract-method,missing-docstring def __init__(self, attrs=None): if attrs is None: attrs = {} self._namespace = attrs.pop(H5PRESERVE_ATTR_NAMESPACE, None) self._label = attrs.pop(H5PRESERVE_ATTR_LABEL, None) self._version = attrs.pop(H5PRESERVE_ATTR_VERSION, None) self.attrs = attrs
[docs]class GroupContainer(ContainerBase): """ Representation of an hdf5 group for use in h5preserve. Parameters ---------- attrs : Mapping mapping containing the attributes of the group **kwargs datasets or subgroups to add to the group """ def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs): super(GroupContainer, self).__init__(attrs) self._group_members = {} self.update(kwargs) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._group_members[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): self._group_members[key] = val def __delitem__(self, key): self._group_members.__delitem__(key) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._group_members) def __len__(self): return len(self._group_members) def __repr__(self): return "GroupContainer(attrs={attrs!r}, {group_items})".format( attrs=self.attrs, group_items=", ".join( "{key!r}={val!r}".format(key=key, val=val) for key, val in self._group_members.items() if val is not None ) )
[docs]class DatasetContainer(ContainerBase): """ Representation of an hdf5 dataset for use in h5preserve. Parameters ---------- attrs : Mapping mapping containing the attributes of the group **kwargs properties of the group, which get passed to create group """ def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs): super(DatasetContainer, self).__init__(attrs) self._dataset_members = {} self.update(kwargs) def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "attrs": return self.attrs return self._dataset_members[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in ALLOWED_DATASET_KEYS: self._dataset_members[key] = val else: raise TypeError(INVALID_DATASET_OPTION.format(key)) def __delitem__(self, key): self._dataset_members.__delitem__(key) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dataset_members) def __len__(self): return len(self._dataset_members) def __repr__(self): return "DatasetContainer(attrs={attrs!r}, {dataset})".format( attrs=self.attrs, dataset=", ".join( "{key!r}={val!r}".format(key=key, val=val) for key, val in self._dataset_members.items() if val is not None ) )
[docs]class Registry(object): """ Register of functions for converting between hdf5 and python. This is the core of h5preserve, containing the information about how to convert to and from hdf5 files, what version to use, and the namespace of created data. Parameters ---------- name : string name of registry for identification purposes """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._frozen = False self.dumpers = defaultdict(dict) self.loaders = defaultdict(dict) @property def name(self): """str: name of the registry""" return self._name
[docs] def freeze(self): """ Freeze the registry, preventing further changes to the registry. """ self._frozen = True
[docs] def dumper(self, cls, label, version): """ Decorator function to create a dumper function. Parameters ---------- cls : any class the class which this dumper operates on label : string the label or tag associated with this class version : integer, None The version of the output that this function returns. """ def add_dumper(new_dumper): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring self.dumpers[cls][version] = _DumperMap( label=label, func=new_dumper ) return add_dumper
[docs] def loader(self, label, version): """ Decorator function to create a loader function. Parameters ---------- label : string the label or tag associated with this class version : integer, any, all, None The version of the output that this function reads. """ def add_loader(new_loader): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring self.loaders[label][version] = new_loader return add_loader
[docs]class H5PreserveGroup(MutableMapping): """ Thin wrapper around :class:`h5py.Group` to automatically use h5preserve when accessing the group contents. Parameters ---------- h5py_group : ``h5py.Group`` registries : RegistryContainer the collection of registries that you want to use to read from the hdf5 file """ def __init__(self, h5py_group, registries): self._h5py_group = h5py_group self.registries = registries def __getitem__(self, key): return self.registries.load( self.registries.from_file(self._h5py_group[key]) ) def __setitem__(self, key, val): self.registries.to_file( self._h5py_group, key, self.registries.dump(val) ) def __delitem__(self, key): del self._h5py_group[key] def __iter__(self): for key in self._h5py_group: yield key def __len__(self): return len(self._h5py_group) @property def h5py_group(self): """ h5py.Group: the instance of ``h5py.Group`` which ``H5PreserveGroup`` wraps """ return self._h5py_group
[docs] def create_group(self, name): """ Creates a new group in the associated hdf5 file Parameters ---------- name : string, or other identifier accepted by h5py name of the new group Returns ------- H5PreserveGroup The new group wrapped by H5PreserveGroup """ return H5PreserveGroup( self._h5py_group.create_group(name), self.registries )
[docs] def require_group(self, name): """ Returns the group associated with ``name``, creating it if necessary. Parameters ---------- name : string, or other identifier accepted by h5py name of the desired group Returns ------- H5PreserveGroup The group wrapped by H5PreserveGroup """ return H5PreserveGroup( self._h5py_group.require_group(name), self.registries )
[docs]class H5PreserveFile(H5PreserveGroup): """ Thin wrapper around ``h5py.File`` to automatically use h5preserve when accessing the file contents. Acts like ``h5preserve.H5PreserveGroup``, but allows access to the associated ``h5py.File`` instance via ``h5py_file``. Parameters ---------- h5py_file : a ``h5py.File`` the hdf5 file to wrap registries : RegistryContainer the collection of registries that you want to use to read from the hdf5 file """ def __init__(self, h5py_file, registries): self._h5py_file = h5py_file super(H5PreserveFile, self).__init__( h5py_group=self._h5py_file["/"], registries=registries ) def close(self): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring self._h5py_file.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() return False @property def h5py_file(self): """ h5py.File: the instance of ``h5py.File`` which ``H5PreserveFile`` wraps """ return self._h5py_file
[docs]def open(filename, registries, **kwargs): """ Open a hdf5 file wrapped with h5preserve. Parameters ---------- filename : string, or other identifier accepted by ``h5py.File`` registries : RegistryContainer the collection of registries that you want to use to read from the hdf5 file **kwargs additional keyword arguments to pass to ``h5py.File`` """ return H5PreserveFile(h5py.File(filename, **kwargs), registries)
[docs]def new_registry_list(*registries): """ Create a new list of registries which includes builtin registries. Parameters ---------- *registries : list of Registry the list of registries to be associated with this container """ from .additional_registries import ( none_python_registry, dict_as_group_registry, builtin_numbers_registry, builtin_text_registry ) return RegistryContainer( none_python_registry, dict_as_group_registry, builtin_numbers_registry, builtin_text_registry, *registries )